If you called a Raven a “Crow,” the raven would surely be insulted, and probably carry a grudge. If you called a Crow a “Raven,” the crow may or may not be insulted, depending on it’s mood. Do you live in the city or the country? If you live in a city you’re most likely in the company of crows. Ravens prefer larger territories and the solitude of open country.

Ravens are larger than crows, weighing two to three pounds.
The typical crow weighs less than a pound.
Ravens have large, prominent and curved beaks.
Crows have narrower, smaller and straight beaks.

Ravens have diamond, or wedge shaped tails.
A crow’s tail is fan shaped.
Ravens soar with wings outstretched.
Crows flap their wings.

Ravens have deep voices, that sound more like a frog’s croak.
Crows have shrill voices and make a “caw” sound.
A Raven’s wingspan is 4-6 feet across.
A crow’s wingspan is 2-3 feet across.

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